Dear Rhetoric and Language Faculty,
What a challenging year! Despite – and because of – all the challenges of 2020, we want to celebrate the brilliance of our part-time faculty at our 7th Annual Adjunct Rhetoric Conference.
Things are going to look a little different this year, and we’re looking forward to exploring a new digital format! Check out the attached flyer for our call for short submissions that folks can post and explore asynchronously. We hope you take some time over break to tap into your talents and submit your entries on Padlet:
Stay tuned for more information about a “synchronous” culminating event in the Spring that will bring us together to share and discuss themes and content that emerge from submissions.
Please pass this flyer and/or link on to your part-time colleagues and friends from other universities. Submissions will be open to all part-time faculty from now until April 2021.
Have a question about submissions? Please contact ARC Co-Chairs Leigh Meredith at or Julia Schulte at
You are not forgotten.
ARC Conference Committee
Leigh Meredith: Co-Chair
Julia Schulte: Co-Chair
Devon C Holmes
Genevieve Leung
Marc Martin
Patrick K McDonnell