Course Guidelines, Learning Outcomes, Sample Syllabi

Rhetoric and Language Program Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of the rhetoric program, students will be able to: 
1. Explain and apply rhetorical concepts, theories, and principles in the process of analyzing  various texts and rhetorical situations.  

2. Evaluate the ethics and effectiveness of their own and others’ communication in  academic, civic, and professional situations.  

3. Produce research-driven written, oral, and digital communication that demonstrates  awareness, knowledge, and application of rhetorical concepts.  

4. Articulate and interpret their own rhetorical choices and composing processes.  

AEM Oracy
AEM Oracy Courses-Outcomes and Rubrics (3-28-2017)

AEM Literacy
AEM Literacy Outcomes and Rubrics Rev 2-17
RHET 106
RHET 106-106N Course Guidelines
RHET 106N Sample Syllabus
RHET 106 Sample Syllabus

RHET 103
RHET 103 Course Guidelines – Spring 2024
RHET 103 Sample Syllabus

RHET 110/N
RHET 110 and 110N Course Description and Guidelines – Fall 2023
RHET 110 Sample Syllabus

RHET 120
RHET 120 Course Guidelines (2021)
RHET 120 Sample Syllabus

RHET 203
RHET 203 Sample Syllabus

RHET 250
RHET 250 Course Guidelines
RHET 250 Sample Syllabus

RHET 310
RHET 310 Sample Syllabus

View the Spring 2021 Department Syllabi Repository (Must be logged into your USF email account to access)