Persuasive Speech on Human Rights 5-9 minutes

In this assignment, you will continue working with the research material and premise you used for your expository speech, but in this speech you will offer solutions to the human rights issue you have been studying. Realize that the solution may appear impossible, given the current situation, but that should not keep you from proffering your solution. Again, talk with your group about your ideas. Do your research.

In this speech, your thesis will be persuasive. In the end you will have persuaded your readers to do something. What can be done to help the situation? What can the readers do to help the situation? What can the country do? Make sure that the arguments are persuasive. Again, the outline will follow logically from the premise. There is no set organization pattern for persuasive essays; they may use any organizational pattern that proves the premises. However, they must follow logical, rational, reasonable, and empirical arguments and proofs. Rely on your research and sources for proofs. Unlike the previous expository speech on human rights, this one offers solutions to the human rights violations you are addressing. The introduction and conclusion should be powerful and engage the reader even more so than in your expository speech. Be sure that in the end you have given us reasons to agree with you and have moved us to act. The purpose here is to get us to do what you want us to do whether that is to donate money, work for an organization or just know about the issue. This assignment is worth 20% of your grade.

Evaluations: After all public speaking assignments, you will turn in a personal evaluation of the experience based on your assessment and the evaluation forms from the class. What was the topic of the speech? How did you do? What did the class say about your performance? What did you think about it? How did you feel? What went well? What needs work? How you plan to change to improve in the future? Make sure that you take the time to do these well and to adequately and accurately evaluate your performances. Evaluations will be turned in the class after your speech.

Videos: All of your graded speeches will include videos of your practice sessions. You will be given a partner for all your speeches. This person is to help you become a better speaker by watching you speak, helping you with your presentation, and videotaping your practices. Be sure to do the videos in a quiet spot where you feel comfortable. Make sure that you can be heard, that the audio is clear, and that the visual is also clear. Don’t shoot up but rather straight on. Don’t put the camera on a desk and try to shoot yourself. Your partner should videotape you and you should videotape your partner. Videos are due the day of your speeches